Saturday, July 25, 2009

16 tomorrow...OH to be YOUNG again!

Fifty...I didn't think anything turning thirty...everybody said I would...Then they said I'd be crushed turning forty...but they were wrong...I didn't give it a second's thought...then they said I'd be traumatized turning fifty...and they were right...

- Another Woman (1988)

I'm thinking of taking a moment during my birthday party (yes, I'm having one) tomorrow to be a depressing bastard and say something like this.

A dramatic pause as I take a sip from my Dr. Pepper (on the rocks)...

Sixteen...I didn't think anything turning eight...everybody said I would...Then they said I'd be crushed turning ten...but they were wrong...I didn't give it a second's thought...then they said I'd be traumatized turning sixteen...and they were right...

Is it too dramatic?


  1. Yes it just might be a little too dramatic. But whatever floats your boat. Bonne anniversaire. Feliz cumpleanos etc...

  2. Maybe I should do a Blanche DuBois instead. Thanks, anyway.

  3. Dramatic maybe --- I don't know if people will get it at your party --- but why not try???


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